What is net worth

 What is net worth and How to calculate net worth?

What is net worth?

Net worth is a means of wealth. Net worth is the sum owner of all assets owned by a person or a company, minus any obligations or liabilities.

How to calculate net worth?

your total net worth, quite simply, is the dollar amount of your total assets minus the total of your debts. You can calculate your total net worth by subtracting your liabilities (debts) from your assets. If your total net assets exceed your total liabilities, you will have a positive net worth. Conversely, if your total liabilities are greater than your total assets then you will have a negative total net worth.

Total net worth calculates in the formula.

This is the right formula for your total net worth.

Total Assets- Total labilities= Net Worth

What are Assets?

An asset is a means with a financial value that an individual, mills/corporation/factory, etc, or country owns or controls with the expectation that it will provide a future benefit. Assets are listed on a business's net balance sheet and are bought or created to shining a firm's net value or benefit the firm's operations.

Type of Assets:-

* Fixed Assets: Fixed assets are used long year/time assets that a company/organization has purchased and is using for the production of its goods and services. Such as Land, Official long-term assets, car, Machines, etc.

* Current Assets: Current assets represent total assets of a company that are expected to be Thesaurus sold, consumed, used, or impoverished through standard business operations with one year. Current assets appear on a company's total balance sheet, one of the required financial statements that must be completed each year.

* Financial Assets: The Financial assets are valued depending on how the investment is assets type and the motive behind it. 

* Intangible Assets: Accounting for intangible total assets different depending on the many types of asset, and they can be either amortized or tested for impairment each year. read more for info: investopedia.com.

Fixed assets are long-term resources, such as plants, equipment, and buildings. An adjustment for the aging of fixed assets is made based on periodic charges called depreciation, which may or may not reflect the loss of earning powers for a fixed asset.

What are liabilities?

Liabilities are categorized as current or non-current depending on their temporality. They can include a future service owed to others; a short- or long-term borrowing loan from banks, or other entities; or a previous loan transaction that has to generate an unsettled obligation. A lot of common liabilities are usually the biggest like financial payable and bonds payable. Most companies will have these two line items on their net balance sheet, as they are part of ongoing current and long-term operations.

They can also make transactions between any business/corporation/bank or more efficient. For example, if a wine supplier sells a case of wine to a hotel, it does not demand payment when it provided the goods. Rather, it invoices the restaurant for the buy to streamline the drop-off and make paying easier for the restaurant.

Type of labilities:-

* Current Liabilities
1) Wages Payable: The total amount of accrued income employees have earned but not yet received. Since most companies/organization pay their employees every two weeks, this liability changes often.

    2) Interest Payable: Companies, often interest payable persons use credit to purchase goods and services to finance over little periods. This represents the interest on those short-term credit purchases to be paid.

    3) Dividends Payable: For companies/organization that have issued stock to shareholder and pay a premium, this constitute the amount owed to shareholders after the dividend was declared. This year is around two weeks, so this liability usually pops up 4 times per year, until the informal is paid.

* Non-Current Liabilities

1) Warranty Liability: Some liabilities are not as exact as AP and have to be estimated. It’s the estimated amount of time and money that may be cost repairing products or other goods upon the agreement of a warranty. This is a common liability in the organization/business, as most cars have long-term warranties that can be costly.

* Non-Current Liabilities:-
1) Deferred Credits: 
2) Post-Employment Benefits: 
3) Unamortized Investment Tax Credits (UITC): read more for info: 

About More Net Worth

Net worth is a means of wealth. Net worth is the sum owner of all assets owned by a person or a company, minus any obligations or liabilities. The total assets of all the celebrities like ( singer, songwriter, model, money, finance, rapper, lifestyle,  guitarist, actor, player, comedy, Producer, Entrepreneur, Composer, Businessman people in the world can be seen on this net worth records site.


Be conservative with estimates, Properly with home and vehicle/care values. Inflating the value of big assets may like good on paper, but may not paint an accurate picture/one-time goods of your net worth. Using an allocated app that tracks your total net worth for you automatically.

Keep liquid savings in high-yield accounts, which can help them grow very fast if you're earning a competitive annual percentage yield. Make debt repayment precedence and consider recounting or consolidating debts at a lower interest rate to help speed up your debt payout.

Review your budget to look for areas where you can reduce costs and allocate more money to either savings or debt repayment. If you have accessory money to save, consider maxing out your emergency fund, then maxing out your annual contributions to an individual retirement account.


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